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Out of the Blue

Got a clutch weapon upgrade? A random kill? Or experienced a crazy bug? Share your most out of the blue crazy Moments by tagging us with #SteelSeries #forglory. The winning clip will receive an Aerox 3 Wireless mouse.

Pobierz Moments

Out of the Blue Winner

Congratulations to JonathanGO_ for winning Out of the Blue with a crazy flying mid-air 1 tap!

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How to participate

Download Moments to start capturing and sharing your gameplay with us. Share your clip on Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube and tag us #SteelSeries #ForGlory. Or use Facebook and tag @steelseries #forglory

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Jak wygrać?

Anyone who submits a clip can win, upload as much as you want. Winner will be selected and contacted in a random draw on December 1st.

What you win

What you can win

One (1) winner will receive one (1) Aerox 3 Wireless gaming mouse to help bring you continuous dubs'.


SteelSeries Moments clip gallery user interface


Moments to najprostszy sposób na utrwalenie ulubionych chwil z rozgrywek i udostępnienie ich w dowolnym miejscu.


Za pomocą własnego skrótu klawiszowego płynnie utrwalaj chwile na bieżąco.


Edytuj lub przycinaj chwile na platformie z poziomu intuicyjnej galerii.


Generuj łącza udostępniania gdziekolwiek albo bezpośrednio przesyłaj do wybranych platform.